HE got to be. After all he’s a prolific, successful musician who’s expected to amaze immeasurably. And he has promised to do what he does best-amaze-on Kenyan soil.
The guy has the ability to astonish both experienced and rookie partygoers but he seems to like doing it differently.
He arrived at the poolside of Intercontinental Hotel rather unexpectedly-at least for the present local musicians and reporters who were busy expending the rare opportunity to clear available meat pieces. Immediately Kanji Mbugua took the mic to introduce him, the evidently staunch believer in God had no time to waste but occupied it totally.He seemed to be in a hurry but love and particularly God's love as he elaborated, controlled his pace.
The man spoke with a nice strong voice which shook the air and visibly his attire. Mentioning his attire and his trouser was placed in the Kirk-Franklins style. You know, loosely placed and begging to be lifted up. Speaking of lifting and Haddon is one guy you can trust to lift you up and up to God in Heaven. Yes he can, just listen to his song After a While and tell me if your down-sodden heart would remain the same.
Then, his trademark spectacles. Lovely. They just bring out the real Deitrick. They give him that domineering presence he exudes everywhere his songs are played; YouTube, MySpace TVs etc.
His voice resembles that perfect tenor sound from a guitar. Huh. Sweet and inviting for everyone but sisters would love it most.
His wife, she of the famed No Looking Back hit song didn’t attend the cocktail because of “slight ailment”. But as my friend (I’m sparing his name) said “she could have tasted some bites by an anopheles mosquito”. Despite her absence, her husband was full of energy but didn’t perform-he’ll abundantly exhilarate believers at Impala Grounds on Saturday.
The presence of A-star, Kanji Mbugua and other local musicians made the rendezvous more interesting though most kept their cool. They silently sipped away mango and apple juices as the guy of the moment laid down his intentions.
By the way the Haddons and Campbell are attending the Spread the Love Festival courtesy of Mavuno Church and the climax is this Saturday. Hope you will not miss it.
The Festival came into existence last year September and hosted Kirk Franklin. Hope you still remember the energetic, zealous and zesty guy jumping up and down with a mic at Carnivore. Was breath-taking, don’t you think? Now it’s time again for D.D Haddon to do it.
Just in case you didn’t know the Haddons are accompanied by one Javen Campbell-kind of a strange name. He’s full of talent: an awesome gospel singer, and a renowned actor from USA.
Just by the way...
*Fair Rant: Honestly, if your facebook status is tailored a friend(s) of the opposite sex or if it’s a coded invitation for the man/woman you have been dying for, please tell us. This will keep us off. Otherwise turning your update into a lovey-dovey exchange leaves us blank-faced and foolish.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Junior Staff Gossips...
NOW let’s get the clogged mind working. Actually, it wasn’t clogged as such but just busy measuring the length of sleep. It did not succeed; it woke up before getting to the end.
Welcome back to this blog though. And today it’s not anything serious but some reasoning here and there.
First. Junior members of any organisation seem to be the most social, talkative and united. When their seniors are busy racking their minds in those cubicles, the Air Fan providing necessary noise, they, normally, are either hiding their heads in front of desktop computers chasing away the sun as they deep their light heads in facebook, twitter, physical meeting points in the office or just taking cups and more cups of tea, coffee, or water.
You may not want to tell anyone what these guys talk about but a sneak preview of such talks would definitely go this way.
Junior Staff (JS)
JS: Have you noticed the speed at which the boss’s stomach is growing?
JS1: (huskily) yea of course, it’s kind of bulging every second. Bananas, oranges or frogs?
(The third makes things worse)
JS2: huh! The third word, I think so. Because he has been of late wriggling every now and then in his chair. Some rumbling too, often.
JS3: So he has been heavily fro-marching the amphibians into his blessed tummy. No wonder.
That’s humbly derogatory when soberly evaluated. However, juniors have never discussed anything outside their bosses. If not their salaries then their failed families. Or for female beings how the boss has been struggling to send an approach signal.
They got nothing concrete nor cheap but surely as a night succeeds a day, so is this favourite past time.
Sample this:
FJS (Female Junior Staff)
FJS: Ati! he ogled me for five minutes before opening his stinking mouth.
FJS1: You see I told you they guy is that raunchy but I like him. His dental formula is awesome.
FJS2: hehehe! What of his protruding belly. Don’t you think it’s a distraction? Also his wife might not mind resting a Somali sword in your intestines.
FJS1: When salo (salary) is six-figure, the belly keeps quiet and disappears. Wife? When did wives know their hubbies were having mipangos ya kando?
The chitchat would go on for ages possibly untill ones gets a leeway to the heart of the boss. That’s the time she’ll get a kick. And gossiping galore goes on without her, nevertheless.
Second. Why do managers hide from their juniors? As in why are they always slouching in those desks alone with that TV worsening the sombre room by beaming murder scenes and bombing in Afghanistan?
It seems it’s a subtle way to invite artificial diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, loneliness, madness etc to their bodies so they could leave this world early and allow one junior to take over. Don’t you think so? Junior job upgrading.
Just by the way...
*The owner of this Matatu (KBB 291P) should have thought of inserting an ‘A’ after ‘E’ to this massacred virtue of human being ‘JELOUSY’. Had he done that ‘WHY JELOUSY’ on the back screen would have read well.
* Just Curious: How should one respond to a ‘What’s up’ greeting? Hope I’m not exposing my modernity ignorance here. Please help.
Welcome back to this blog though. And today it’s not anything serious but some reasoning here and there.
First. Junior members of any organisation seem to be the most social, talkative and united. When their seniors are busy racking their minds in those cubicles, the Air Fan providing necessary noise, they, normally, are either hiding their heads in front of desktop computers chasing away the sun as they deep their light heads in facebook, twitter, physical meeting points in the office or just taking cups and more cups of tea, coffee, or water.
You may not want to tell anyone what these guys talk about but a sneak preview of such talks would definitely go this way.
Junior Staff (JS)
JS: Have you noticed the speed at which the boss’s stomach is growing?
JS1: (huskily) yea of course, it’s kind of bulging every second. Bananas, oranges or frogs?
(The third makes things worse)
JS2: huh! The third word, I think so. Because he has been of late wriggling every now and then in his chair. Some rumbling too, often.
JS3: So he has been heavily fro-marching the amphibians into his blessed tummy. No wonder.
That’s humbly derogatory when soberly evaluated. However, juniors have never discussed anything outside their bosses. If not their salaries then their failed families. Or for female beings how the boss has been struggling to send an approach signal.
They got nothing concrete nor cheap but surely as a night succeeds a day, so is this favourite past time.
Sample this:
FJS (Female Junior Staff)
FJS: Ati! he ogled me for five minutes before opening his stinking mouth.
FJS1: You see I told you they guy is that raunchy but I like him. His dental formula is awesome.
FJS2: hehehe! What of his protruding belly. Don’t you think it’s a distraction? Also his wife might not mind resting a Somali sword in your intestines.
FJS1: When salo (salary) is six-figure, the belly keeps quiet and disappears. Wife? When did wives know their hubbies were having mipangos ya kando?
The chitchat would go on for ages possibly untill ones gets a leeway to the heart of the boss. That’s the time she’ll get a kick. And gossiping galore goes on without her, nevertheless.
Second. Why do managers hide from their juniors? As in why are they always slouching in those desks alone with that TV worsening the sombre room by beaming murder scenes and bombing in Afghanistan?
It seems it’s a subtle way to invite artificial diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, loneliness, madness etc to their bodies so they could leave this world early and allow one junior to take over. Don’t you think so? Junior job upgrading.
Just by the way...
*The owner of this Matatu (KBB 291P) should have thought of inserting an ‘A’ after ‘E’ to this massacred virtue of human being ‘JELOUSY’. Had he done that ‘WHY JELOUSY’ on the back screen would have read well.
* Just Curious: How should one respond to a ‘What’s up’ greeting? Hope I’m not exposing my modernity ignorance here. Please help.
Friday, September 24, 2010
And...Here Comes Brother Philip Onyancha

Before we proceed put up your god-given hands for the newest member of the flock!
Going on,the man eater, whose former hobby was sucking human blood, has finally seen the light and apart from his mainstay of writing graffiti on Kamiti Maximum prison walls, he’s now perusing through the Bible.
It’s true and now he downs half-cooked beans while meditating on what made him adopt a vampire lifestyle; the tick life, while asking for biblical forgiveness.
He’s your brother, yea, Bro Onyancha, for the brethren.According to reliable (it got to be this word otherwise exclusives like this may not find relevance) sources he “accepted Jesus Christ as his personal saviour” last week during a special visit by Nairobi Pentecostal Church, Buruburu Chapter.
For starters, the guy squeezed out lives of 17 good Kenyans and other 83 were in waiting for his murderous hands. He, though, was arrested after killing, sucking and dumping a lifeless toddler in some forest outside Nairobi. That was the kind of profitless Old Onyancha did. The New Onyancha is different. He’s normal. He doesn’t crave for blood anymore. Thank God!
Now the past is gone and the new has come for the former bloody man.
“You should have seen the delight in this man’s face after accepting Christ,” said Pastor Paul Gichuhi, who led a number of mission lieutenants to fight Satan at Kamiti.
The guy did many things he didn’t reveal to the media. But, unfortunately, the pastor was not able to tap more; such inquests belong to journalists you know. His part was done.
However, Mr (he now deserves this title) Onyancha said he did other non-printable stuff to other people of God.
“You just had the tip of the iceberg of what I did,” he’s reported to have revealed.
So what else did this former man of the blood do? Huh! A difficult task here. Is there a possibility he could have been trading in human blood or body parts? Or was he supplying ‘the meat’ for Samosa/Sausage makers and traders? Over to you brothers and sisters...what do you think?
Just by the way...
*For goodness sake and with the assistance of the little English I know, there’s nothing like ‘Can be able’. It’s either can or be able. Using both consecutively results in what’s referred to as tautology (Philip Ochieng). It’s either Fulani can take a whole gourd of mursik in a single gulp or Fulani is able to...Not/never/Don’t’ try this at home, school or anywhere: Fulani can be able to take a whole gourd of mursik in a single gulp.
I have heard like all lawyers from Isaac Hassan (Chair IIEC), Martha Karua, Mutula Kilonzo make this grammatical mistake; some journalists like Martin Mutua of the Standard have committed this crime but all in all it doesn’t make it right.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Bulky, Bulging Wallets Stole the Show Not Karua’s Party

Tell me another and ...pigs might fly.
Anyway, the winners of recently held by-elections deserve praise. They do, at least Bishop Margret Wanjiru whose victory was a result of theft last time. Now she can speak authoritatively without doubts lingering in her heart. Before then her victory kind of tickles, don’t you think so? Imagine someone who last time benefitted from a robbery of 15,000 votes getting back in free fall style. Politics is truly a dirty game and the past sometimes doesn’t matter at all; most Kenyans have chicken-minds after all and forget in light speed. Maina Kamanda must have realised this.
Away from robbery but not sense.And excuse us please, it wasn’t about party affiliation but personalities. This hullabaloo about Narc-Kenya sending “a strong message” to whomever wherever is misleading and purely excites none.
The two elected parliamentarians to be are disappointingly rich Kenyans whose wealth is more attractive to holoi poloi than their quest for power.
The Sonko guy is annoyingly rich and ultra-generous at the same time. And with the direction of Kenyan politics always influenced by the size of one’s pocket, nothing different was expected here; he just flexed his moneyed muscles and the wretched saluted.
It's bare;the guy just bought his way to the august house. Positively though, he seems to understand the plight of most Makadara constituents and he’ll probably use his wealth to lift them up, something Reuben Ndolo and Dick Wathika did not do. He started when he used his flotilla of vehicles to ferry them to and from Buruburu free of charges but votes.
Saying the two winners won because they were in Martha Karua’s party is a big lie. They did it as a result of their bulky wallets. William Kabogo’s wealth doesn’t need a nuclear scientist to quantify, not when his helicopter is flying all over Juja countless times like a matatu doing rounds.
The rumbling flying object got Jujian’s nerves and the best they could do is vote him in without grumble. Crazy it is. Now the poor people would have to content with a ‘flying Mp’ as opposed to a bespectacled scholar. It’s better to top a million shillings on a wallet oozing sweats from overloading knowing the excretions will fall to some of their hungry than let in a fairly poor candidate whose dryness of the pocket is as clear as sunshine. By the way, broke Mps are the most dangerous. They would maul everything on the plate and wait for the voter to come in. In this mood, those who voted for the endowed men did so to save their lives. Let’s spare them the whacking.
Honestly, Karua’s influence is yet to become tangible. Maybe after three-five years but not know. She was lucky the two rich contestants chose her party. Had they chosen another party, they would still have won. So Karua should savour the moment because it will not last long.
Just by the way...
Questions for Kenneth Otiato Marende, about Mike Sonko.
*Will Mike Sonko get your nod to attend parliament sessions with bling bling and all sorts of glittering jewelleries?
*What if he decides to drive one of his min-buses to parliament? Will you allow him in considering the ear-blistering music played in them?
*In case he decides to follow Lil Wayne’s footsteps and rap in parliament, will that be meritorious?
Monday, September 20, 2010
Heavens, Please Save beautifully Created Disabled Children
That was an eventful weekend. At least some worthy actions here and there but as usual when good things happen, a spoiler would, in the midst, rear its ugly head.
It wasn’t a breathing being this time round, for me, but a micro-lifeless-being tagged biologically as a virus, or do viruses live? – I wish they were visible I would have squeezed ‘life’ out of it without hesitating, lucky is this spoiler! - Anyhow, it manifested itself in a disastrous homa (common cold, or better still ‘homamorian mapuarian’, biologically) and in a swift invasion like when George Bush’s men invaded Saddam Hussein, the virus in Operation Fagia Pua pitched tent in my nose for the two eagerly-awaited days of the week. Fortunately, it found weapons of mass destruction (mucous) and expelled them with endless missiles (sneezing) and huge drones (non-quantifiable mucous). A ‘grave’ (handkerchief) was available, though, to bury them. So don’t mind extending your hand for a warm shake when we meet soon.
Back to serious business. And why should a mature person in his/her right mind abuse a motionless kid in such a manner I saw on a local TV? Disheartening it was. Before emotions get the better of us, kudos to those journalists (Citizen TV) who braved an early morning cold breeze as they tracked the prime architects of the heinous activities.
Journalism instincts might sense some sort of ‘stage management’ in its execution (journalist are always suspicious), but instincts aside, the whole saga is heartbreaking.
Picture this: a bountiful big mama seated at home, watching cartoons with teary eyes from laughing, while 10-year-old infants, with teary eyes too, extend their hands to passersby for a coin or two. Two teary eyes, but different hearts!
In the evening she is the boss alongside her husband. They count in excitement the coins the youngsters collected throughout the day but dare not give the forced beggars any share. Truly, this is a society whose morals whizzed through the roof long time ago. Otherwise, a normal human being would instead beg for the kids other than the latter doing it for a fully-fleshed person. God forbid!
Worse still, now such a shameful act has been unearthed, honest beggars would have to content with worrying lack of business in the coming days. Many people having seen this will certainly hold back their daily revenues to downtown genuine beggars. Or who will want to feed an invisible 100% guy through a beggar lying immobile along River Road? Not me.
What The constitution says about persons with disabilities:
Article 54(1)(a) says: a person with disability is entitled to be treated with dignity and respect and to be addressed and referred to in a manner that is not demeaning.
The ball is on your side Amos 'Ever Smilo' Wako and this is not a smiling matter. It's at the very least criminal if not inhuman.
Just by the way...
*The City Council of Nairobi would do Kenyans a big favour if they registered its beggars. I have no personal issues with this group of Kenyans, but for goodness sake there should be order in begging. My proposal: First group all of them in one place like Uhuru Park and register them. After, designate each like for two-three months to a particular spot. Then after they swap for another maximum of three months before moving. This not only make them appear new in their new places but also increases their daily collections. Kenyans do not contribute to the same face and familiar croaky asking voice each day for 365 days. They would rather contribute sh5 once a year and a give a dry face for the remaining days. I guess you get the drift!
*Enjoy your week friends.
It wasn’t a breathing being this time round, for me, but a micro-lifeless-being tagged biologically as a virus, or do viruses live? – I wish they were visible I would have squeezed ‘life’ out of it without hesitating, lucky is this spoiler! - Anyhow, it manifested itself in a disastrous homa (common cold, or better still ‘homamorian mapuarian’, biologically) and in a swift invasion like when George Bush’s men invaded Saddam Hussein, the virus in Operation Fagia Pua pitched tent in my nose for the two eagerly-awaited days of the week. Fortunately, it found weapons of mass destruction (mucous) and expelled them with endless missiles (sneezing) and huge drones (non-quantifiable mucous). A ‘grave’ (handkerchief) was available, though, to bury them. So don’t mind extending your hand for a warm shake when we meet soon.
Back to serious business. And why should a mature person in his/her right mind abuse a motionless kid in such a manner I saw on a local TV? Disheartening it was. Before emotions get the better of us, kudos to those journalists (Citizen TV) who braved an early morning cold breeze as they tracked the prime architects of the heinous activities.
Journalism instincts might sense some sort of ‘stage management’ in its execution (journalist are always suspicious), but instincts aside, the whole saga is heartbreaking.
Picture this: a bountiful big mama seated at home, watching cartoons with teary eyes from laughing, while 10-year-old infants, with teary eyes too, extend their hands to passersby for a coin or two. Two teary eyes, but different hearts!
In the evening she is the boss alongside her husband. They count in excitement the coins the youngsters collected throughout the day but dare not give the forced beggars any share. Truly, this is a society whose morals whizzed through the roof long time ago. Otherwise, a normal human being would instead beg for the kids other than the latter doing it for a fully-fleshed person. God forbid!
Worse still, now such a shameful act has been unearthed, honest beggars would have to content with worrying lack of business in the coming days. Many people having seen this will certainly hold back their daily revenues to downtown genuine beggars. Or who will want to feed an invisible 100% guy through a beggar lying immobile along River Road? Not me.
What The constitution says about persons with disabilities:
Article 54(1)(a) says: a person with disability is entitled to be treated with dignity and respect and to be addressed and referred to in a manner that is not demeaning.
The ball is on your side Amos 'Ever Smilo' Wako and this is not a smiling matter. It's at the very least criminal if not inhuman.
Just by the way...
*The City Council of Nairobi would do Kenyans a big favour if they registered its beggars. I have no personal issues with this group of Kenyans, but for goodness sake there should be order in begging. My proposal: First group all of them in one place like Uhuru Park and register them. After, designate each like for two-three months to a particular spot. Then after they swap for another maximum of three months before moving. This not only make them appear new in their new places but also increases their daily collections. Kenyans do not contribute to the same face and familiar croaky asking voice each day for 365 days. They would rather contribute sh5 once a year and a give a dry face for the remaining days. I guess you get the drift!
*Enjoy your week friends.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
And who will Stop local Universities’ Madness? Ruto?
One thing which attracts both foe and friend to Higher Education minister, William Ruto, is rightly his radical approach to everything.
Be it politics, ministerial duties, and family matters, he employs admirable boldness that scares skeptics and procrastinators. Though, it seems his radicalism seems to have grounded his wife and permanently relocated her to anonymity, the other two have positively exhibited this man’s bravery.
Politically, he has done enough to promulgate (I told you this word is not any new) this trait possessed by few. Former President Moi, factually, has court-satisfying evidence about this guy’s unequal prowess, Prime Minister Raila Odinga should have had, by now, enough of this man. And many others!
Perfectly, he has shot down any existing status quo in equal measure like a sniper aiming at the heart of an enemy. President Kibaki tasted the bitter side of Ruto when he turned against him few months ago during campaigns for a new constitution.
All above aside. And the latest salvo fired by him is more awakening and interesting. It should be, especially when the best new courses offered in local universities are nothing different from traditional skills a man or a woman needed during the medieval times. For rookies and likes, universities are of late piecing out courses like a heartless butcher. Once popular courses have been compartmentalised to the least known section with an intention of attracting more students, especially self-sponsored.
Kenyatta University, the last university to seriously allow students to flex their arm muscles in throwing stones and engaging in Bachelor of Destructology and Stonology, offers some of the most bizarre courses; Check this: Diploma in Gerontology-for goodness sake what’s Gere...that one? Anyway, BSC in Meetings is there too. Yes, you got it right. Students who passed KCSE well going for a four-year course to know how to meet! Huh! When did young Kenyans fail to meet and meet and do it more; like meeting with a friend on the road when going for kindergarten classes to meeting for Academic fires in high school. Do they really need some heavily-moustached, white-haired, and long-whiskered lecturer to debunk some science to them about meeting?
Further ahead to JKUAT and creativity is at its low. Unique they could sound but woe unto the composers of such degree courses as BSc in Crop Protection and BSc. Food Science and Postharvest Technology. Ok, it’s understandable. But surely after good years of numerously perusing Chemistry and Physics books, oh sorry, plus endless Mathematics calculations and finally one is subjected to some ‘harvesting ’course? Honestly, harvesting what, where, for what and why should a graduate do that?
If you haven’t fainted yet then Masinde Muliro’s Bachelor of Science in Sugar Technology (Yea Sugar, the one you regularly put in your tea, coffee, cake etc, someone is learning the technology behind it) could be the perfect pill to send you to unconsciousness for a while, I guess, because this earth still needs you. Speaking of earth and Maseno University could help you learn more about earthworms through their programme Bachelor of Earth Science.
When Ruto, in that not-so-archaic baritone voice, talk of tough measures to control the learned guys whose hunger for the coin has made them hoodwink desperate students to enrol in asinine courses, he not only come to the rescue when milk has already spilt but hopefully he’ll miraculously scoop it up, quarter or half, not wholly definitely.
Just by the way...
*Those pastors who still preach prosperously about one getting a visa to US of America or UK have lost it. A question for them: What the heck (I restricted myself to this sober word otherwise a stronger one was boiling in my head) is there in America to necessitate spiritual intervention? To go live in a desert in Tennessee, or New Orleans where each night you watch over at the balcony for a Tsunami. Which one is better? A resourceful tea picking job in Kericho, granite mining in Taveta, where each day you go home and rest or a 24-hour a day watch in N. Orleans or soothing an octogenarian's dogs to sleep?
I wish they stopped such abracadabra kind of preaching. They make our God appear so cheap.
Be it politics, ministerial duties, and family matters, he employs admirable boldness that scares skeptics and procrastinators. Though, it seems his radicalism seems to have grounded his wife and permanently relocated her to anonymity, the other two have positively exhibited this man’s bravery.
Politically, he has done enough to promulgate (I told you this word is not any new) this trait possessed by few. Former President Moi, factually, has court-satisfying evidence about this guy’s unequal prowess, Prime Minister Raila Odinga should have had, by now, enough of this man. And many others!
Perfectly, he has shot down any existing status quo in equal measure like a sniper aiming at the heart of an enemy. President Kibaki tasted the bitter side of Ruto when he turned against him few months ago during campaigns for a new constitution.
All above aside. And the latest salvo fired by him is more awakening and interesting. It should be, especially when the best new courses offered in local universities are nothing different from traditional skills a man or a woman needed during the medieval times. For rookies and likes, universities are of late piecing out courses like a heartless butcher. Once popular courses have been compartmentalised to the least known section with an intention of attracting more students, especially self-sponsored.
Kenyatta University, the last university to seriously allow students to flex their arm muscles in throwing stones and engaging in Bachelor of Destructology and Stonology, offers some of the most bizarre courses; Check this: Diploma in Gerontology-for goodness sake what’s Gere...that one? Anyway, BSC in Meetings is there too. Yes, you got it right. Students who passed KCSE well going for a four-year course to know how to meet! Huh! When did young Kenyans fail to meet and meet and do it more; like meeting with a friend on the road when going for kindergarten classes to meeting for Academic fires in high school. Do they really need some heavily-moustached, white-haired, and long-whiskered lecturer to debunk some science to them about meeting?
Further ahead to JKUAT and creativity is at its low. Unique they could sound but woe unto the composers of such degree courses as BSc in Crop Protection and BSc. Food Science and Postharvest Technology. Ok, it’s understandable. But surely after good years of numerously perusing Chemistry and Physics books, oh sorry, plus endless Mathematics calculations and finally one is subjected to some ‘harvesting ’course? Honestly, harvesting what, where, for what and why should a graduate do that?
If you haven’t fainted yet then Masinde Muliro’s Bachelor of Science in Sugar Technology (Yea Sugar, the one you regularly put in your tea, coffee, cake etc, someone is learning the technology behind it) could be the perfect pill to send you to unconsciousness for a while, I guess, because this earth still needs you. Speaking of earth and Maseno University could help you learn more about earthworms through their programme Bachelor of Earth Science.
When Ruto, in that not-so-archaic baritone voice, talk of tough measures to control the learned guys whose hunger for the coin has made them hoodwink desperate students to enrol in asinine courses, he not only come to the rescue when milk has already spilt but hopefully he’ll miraculously scoop it up, quarter or half, not wholly definitely.
Just by the way...
*Those pastors who still preach prosperously about one getting a visa to US of America or UK have lost it. A question for them: What the heck (I restricted myself to this sober word otherwise a stronger one was boiling in my head) is there in America to necessitate spiritual intervention? To go live in a desert in Tennessee, or New Orleans where each night you watch over at the balcony for a Tsunami. Which one is better? A resourceful tea picking job in Kericho, granite mining in Taveta, where each day you go home and rest or a 24-hour a day watch in N. Orleans or soothing an octogenarian's dogs to sleep?
I wish they stopped such abracadabra kind of preaching. They make our God appear so cheap.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
It’s New: ‘Organo-Genito’ Business
There’s a new shop in town. Its name: ‘Fresh G. Organs’, and the motto: Welcome all for Juicy, Long and MMeaty organs!
Yea, that‘s how Kenyans are creative businesswise. After roasting maize and sweet-potatoes to extinction they have shifted to more enterprising and lively goodies. And I guess clients’ appetite for the new item will go up sooner than later.
After the ‘organic’ news, the nation has been treated with the past few days, wild thinking is necessary, after all private organs have for long been attended to privately but now they are out in public. Therefore, discussing publicly such visible organisms is not strange.
The name is out already. So let’s beef it up with a good menu list. First, the attendants will put on aprons bearing a huge graphic of the organ and below it: Want them? They are here in plenty; small, medium and huge. Welcome one welcome all, thank you!
Entering the smelly dungeon, obviously at a corner on Moi Avenue-it has to be in busy road- the servants will guide customers in establishing their weight and lengths; and they better be right because they might lose business to a next competitor who is more figurative and forthcoming.
Of course colour will be another determinant. Like whether they are ‘blue’, ‘yellow’, black, ‘red’, brown, colourless etc. Sample this. Customer: Waiter, a reddish organ please. Waiter: Red? No, they are over, blackish? Customer: yea, I like a black one too, big.
Anyhow don’t worry about colour though. It would not matter much because prices will be fixed.
Prices. Just, like 2k for a single, say medium, but an addition sh200 for each extra cylinder. But they can be reduced to smaller portions to fit market demands. Half goes for sh999, and quarter sh501. No other price for the cylinders as they are no more when slashed.
When it gets to hawking it becomes more interesting.
Moto, moto, moto! A sweaty-faced hawker will definitely shout along Tom Mboya Street, or better still baridi, baridi, imetoka fridge saa hizi, another more desperate one will harangue bystanders.
Bargaining will not be a laughing matter. With that serious face, a customer will harass the seller with lower price as s/he tosses the organ up and down. Dissatisfied with the weight, the buyer will carefully put it down and test another. Satisfied s/he will ask for it to be wrapped with a piece of a newspaper and a transparent polythene paper before disappearing to Bus Station or Kencom, organ in the pocket. Business over.
Don’t be surprised and never ask what G and the extra M means in the name. Just get in and let the attendants do their thing. All the best!
Just by the Way...
*Ok, Ok , this business portends extinction for none other than us, men. At this rate we’ll go where dinosaurs went unless some serious action is taken to stop this.
Disclaimer: Engage in this business at your own risk.
Yea, that‘s how Kenyans are creative businesswise. After roasting maize and sweet-potatoes to extinction they have shifted to more enterprising and lively goodies. And I guess clients’ appetite for the new item will go up sooner than later.
After the ‘organic’ news, the nation has been treated with the past few days, wild thinking is necessary, after all private organs have for long been attended to privately but now they are out in public. Therefore, discussing publicly such visible organisms is not strange.
The name is out already. So let’s beef it up with a good menu list. First, the attendants will put on aprons bearing a huge graphic of the organ and below it: Want them? They are here in plenty; small, medium and huge. Welcome one welcome all, thank you!
Entering the smelly dungeon, obviously at a corner on Moi Avenue-it has to be in busy road- the servants will guide customers in establishing their weight and lengths; and they better be right because they might lose business to a next competitor who is more figurative and forthcoming.
Of course colour will be another determinant. Like whether they are ‘blue’, ‘yellow’, black, ‘red’, brown, colourless etc. Sample this. Customer: Waiter, a reddish organ please. Waiter: Red? No, they are over, blackish? Customer: yea, I like a black one too, big.
Anyhow don’t worry about colour though. It would not matter much because prices will be fixed.
Prices. Just, like 2k for a single, say medium, but an addition sh200 for each extra cylinder. But they can be reduced to smaller portions to fit market demands. Half goes for sh999, and quarter sh501. No other price for the cylinders as they are no more when slashed.
When it gets to hawking it becomes more interesting.
Moto, moto, moto! A sweaty-faced hawker will definitely shout along Tom Mboya Street, or better still baridi, baridi, imetoka fridge saa hizi, another more desperate one will harangue bystanders.
Bargaining will not be a laughing matter. With that serious face, a customer will harass the seller with lower price as s/he tosses the organ up and down. Dissatisfied with the weight, the buyer will carefully put it down and test another. Satisfied s/he will ask for it to be wrapped with a piece of a newspaper and a transparent polythene paper before disappearing to Bus Station or Kencom, organ in the pocket. Business over.
Don’t be surprised and never ask what G and the extra M means in the name. Just get in and let the attendants do their thing. All the best!
Just by the Way...
*Ok, Ok , this business portends extinction for none other than us, men. At this rate we’ll go where dinosaurs went unless some serious action is taken to stop this.
Disclaimer: Engage in this business at your own risk.
Monday, September 13, 2010
What If it was a One World’s Religion?
It would be lovely.
But before then let’s go down the Wishes Road. First, though, a warning sign: You will not ride any horse after because you are not a beggar. Or are you?
Anyhow, imagine a world believing in one religion, a people talking to one God through one messenger/mediator/prophet, a humanity bowing down at one altar, or even worshipping on the same day.
It’s quite a gigantic dream. And one thing that might just remain that way forever unless something revolutionary-with greater intense than the Martin Luther King’s revolution-happen soon. Before then, a few thoughts here and there would surely make our minds busy.
So for this to happen, who will be ready to consume or be consumed by another’s religion? It will be a difficult thing, much the same way as talking to a stone and expecting a swift reply, but as things are it might happen faster than anticipated.
Doubtlessly, the world’s major religions (Christianity, Islam, Hindu, Atheism and Buddhism) will, for sure, lead the way in ushering in a world that’s subscribing to a single religion.
For purpose of this article alone, it would be interesting to do some wild thinking alongside current practices of popular religions. Not jokingly, they will in one way form the heartbeat and soul of the ‘coming one religion’.
Let’s basically see how they can:
It would certainly lend its tolerance. Being the most tolerant and accommodating religion, Christianity will give away this virtue for all to stay as good friends and worshippers who think in one way. However, the tolerance should not be equal as what’s being experienced now. If it’s, there might be squabbles here and there, just as it happens now-fighting for leadership positions and converts, sometimes plots of land etc. Again, they must agree on how to worship together before submitting this fruit. Better still they got to agree on one religion first. They, surely, must put their house in order for the virtue to be wholly accepted.
The Christianity virtue mentioned above will be highly questionable if it came from Islam. However, adherence to teachings will be harpooned from them. No question about it. Imagine all people fasting for 30 days without grueling and after it, worldwide celebrations. And during these celebrations, all, without discrimination, are invited to partake of the sumptuous food. It would be nicer. This agreed, they would still have to shake off some frightening punishments like what Al Shabaab, or Iranian Muslim government do. Chopping people’s hands or gouging out eyes, even stoning for infidelity would not be helpful in the ‘New World’.
Not much would come from here. After all they do not have much say currently. However, one thing the New World cannot miss is labeling. This is vital because it not only serves as enviable decoration but also a perfect indication to staying true to the new religion. Everyone will be marked on their foreheads. Relevantly, this is where Hinduism will participate.
Atheism/ Pagans
Mostly atheists because pagans would not have an option but follow. Their stubbornness, firmness, overzealous ambitions and psychological thinking will be necessary to raise standards in let’s say, worshipping God, sacrificing and just finding solutions to mysteries here and there.
However, there got to be stringent standards to stop these ‘hard-headed’ guys from overdoing their roles. Such will stop them from spoiling the party by like wanting to be God themselves, or dismissing the notion of being under one living God.
Finally, other religions would not have any say here. They would have to coil their tails and follow or else they will be punished severely.
Thanks a lot for taking this ‘ride’. I told you. No begging.
Just by the way…
*I think Jesus Christ will make a perfect mediator because of nothing else but unquestionable good teaching skills, love and readiness to die for man…What do you think?
*On a light note:For my rapping fans, something is cooking. You’ll get one or two soon. Just keep watching this space. Hiatus no more!
But before then let’s go down the Wishes Road. First, though, a warning sign: You will not ride any horse after because you are not a beggar. Or are you?
Anyhow, imagine a world believing in one religion, a people talking to one God through one messenger/mediator/prophet, a humanity bowing down at one altar, or even worshipping on the same day.
It’s quite a gigantic dream. And one thing that might just remain that way forever unless something revolutionary-with greater intense than the Martin Luther King’s revolution-happen soon. Before then, a few thoughts here and there would surely make our minds busy.
So for this to happen, who will be ready to consume or be consumed by another’s religion? It will be a difficult thing, much the same way as talking to a stone and expecting a swift reply, but as things are it might happen faster than anticipated.
Doubtlessly, the world’s major religions (Christianity, Islam, Hindu, Atheism and Buddhism) will, for sure, lead the way in ushering in a world that’s subscribing to a single religion.
For purpose of this article alone, it would be interesting to do some wild thinking alongside current practices of popular religions. Not jokingly, they will in one way form the heartbeat and soul of the ‘coming one religion’.
Let’s basically see how they can:
It would certainly lend its tolerance. Being the most tolerant and accommodating religion, Christianity will give away this virtue for all to stay as good friends and worshippers who think in one way. However, the tolerance should not be equal as what’s being experienced now. If it’s, there might be squabbles here and there, just as it happens now-fighting for leadership positions and converts, sometimes plots of land etc. Again, they must agree on how to worship together before submitting this fruit. Better still they got to agree on one religion first. They, surely, must put their house in order for the virtue to be wholly accepted.
The Christianity virtue mentioned above will be highly questionable if it came from Islam. However, adherence to teachings will be harpooned from them. No question about it. Imagine all people fasting for 30 days without grueling and after it, worldwide celebrations. And during these celebrations, all, without discrimination, are invited to partake of the sumptuous food. It would be nicer. This agreed, they would still have to shake off some frightening punishments like what Al Shabaab, or Iranian Muslim government do. Chopping people’s hands or gouging out eyes, even stoning for infidelity would not be helpful in the ‘New World’.
Not much would come from here. After all they do not have much say currently. However, one thing the New World cannot miss is labeling. This is vital because it not only serves as enviable decoration but also a perfect indication to staying true to the new religion. Everyone will be marked on their foreheads. Relevantly, this is where Hinduism will participate.
Atheism/ Pagans
Mostly atheists because pagans would not have an option but follow. Their stubbornness, firmness, overzealous ambitions and psychological thinking will be necessary to raise standards in let’s say, worshipping God, sacrificing and just finding solutions to mysteries here and there.
However, there got to be stringent standards to stop these ‘hard-headed’ guys from overdoing their roles. Such will stop them from spoiling the party by like wanting to be God themselves, or dismissing the notion of being under one living God.
Finally, other religions would not have any say here. They would have to coil their tails and follow or else they will be punished severely.
Thanks a lot for taking this ‘ride’. I told you. No begging.
Just by the way…
*I think Jesus Christ will make a perfect mediator because of nothing else but unquestionable good teaching skills, love and readiness to die for man…What do you think?
*On a light note:For my rapping fans, something is cooking. You’ll get one or two soon. Just keep watching this space. Hiatus no more!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
It’s Not Christian to Burn the Koran

When religious animosity goes this physical, tolerance professed by them becomes totally irrelevant.
Religion is about beliefs and how best humanity sticks to them. They guide subscribers on the way to live, they dictate how to relate with fellow believers and others, and often describe punishment for defaulters. This is what makes religions attractive.
However, even with such guidelines, most followers have failed to wholly understand them. In their pseudo-understanding they use religion to attack or vilify those who do not believe in them.
Indeed scholars of religion have said religious extremism is the source of the deadliest attacks in the world now, heightened terrorism, and increased hatred among people. Americans and certainly, everyone old enough remember September 11 2001 the day when terrorists killed thousands at World Trade Centre. The attack was organised by Islam believers (Al Qaeda) who felt it was right to kill non-believers. Christian believers ready to apply the word to the sword have exercised extremism and consequences have not been good either. The latest move by a Florida priest, Rev Terry Jones, to burn the Koran is just an expression of such intolerance which mostly bores extremism.
Tenets of Christianity call for tolerance for ‘enemies’ and most importantly, forgiveness for those who hurt or disagree with you. When someone goes against such basics in a bid to show disgust for a person of a different religion then s/he not only declares ignorance of biblical teachings but also sheer defiance against the same. Terry Jones and friends are victims of the later.
As at now it will be difficult for all to subscribe to one religion, not when most demand undivided following, neither when (some) religions prescribe enormous punishment for those who go against their rules and worse for those who convert nor when there’s utter inability by those tasked to shoulder-forward religion to convince all of its sweetness.
In view of such inefficiencies, it would be foolish on the side of those who use force or threats to woe followers and the likes of Jones seem not to get it.
Religion is all about the power to convince and sell beliefs to those on the other side. Using force to aid this is an early call to failure. So when a Christian outfit sets to express hatred by stomping on another religion they put a cold damper on Jesus Christ’s teachings. If they do it for the sake of protecting the Gospel, they are doing it in a wrong way. Christianity is anchored on an all powerful God who himself knows revenge most. He rightly avenges at the right time, for the right thing and to the right person.
If Jones and members of his Dove World Outreach Centre believe Islam is such evil and ought to be attacked then he should denounce Christianity first because in this Gospel dispensation era, forgiveness is vital towards the growth of the Church.
Just By The Way...
*Condolences to my great schoolmate, friend and neighbour Vincent Mabwai for losing your father. May God give you strength and warmth for your heart in this difficult time.
Monday, September 6, 2010
The ‘Nyong’aing’ Nyong’o Health Plan
So at the end of this month most Kenyans will experience an exploitative hand of one professor who of late has no speaking boundaries. It’s a fact and the million-dollar question is why now? The Medical Services minister, Prof Anyang Nyong’o, has succeeded in dodging this question though he flatly bragged on how little the contributions were than his lunch.
Retrospectively, the new policy is paining for young professionals who are barely savouring their hard-earned 50k salary. For starters these young fellows, must fork out sh1, 500 just like anyone else getting sh99, 999. Here is the shocker: anyone getting sh100, 000 and above; to like 20 million pays only sh2, 000. That’s how unfair the deal is. A mere middle level employee chucks the same amount as any CEO with a bulging sh5 million a month or any tycoon who rakes billions of shillings.
If this is not the most unfair social system in the world then it’s up there with the most. What hurts most is the utter arrogance and don’t care attitude by those who proposed it.
Many Kenyans are outraged by it but nobody has been there to listen, in fact they have been brandished busybodies.
Nyong'o and company see the dissatisfied voices as dogs in the manger but it's not true. They are sober Kenyans who in their right minds want to express sobriety.
Francis Atwoli, the speaking tyrant who does not hesitate to rant when rattled, questioned the viability of the proposal. And rapid fire sort of response from the Prof, the cool minister of Medical Services, an ODM diehard legislator, the learned guy who ever bleaches his hair, moustache, and beard and the king of MPs aloof to constituents, was a mouthful to the ever ranting Atwoli. He though responded in equal measure but Nyong’o’s salvo was bitter enough for all and sundry.
For uninterested parties, Nyong’o’s lunch on Thursday, the 2nd, was worth sh2, 500 at- you didn’t guess right- not a cheap hotel for lilliputians but Serena Hotel where only bourgeois and above belongs. He did say it openly and wasn’t apologetic. So when he was munching, let’s say, fish, omena and cousins, plus exotic drinks all worth the mentioned amount, a proletariat like you was busy working hard to get sh50 for only supper-no lunch-sh2, 450 less of Nyong’o’s lunch. But at the end of the day all (including him, Mps and Safaricom CEO) will be subjected to a system which glorifies the rich and hugely punishes the poor.
Fairly it would be better if a formula was derived to guide in NHIF deductions. Arbitrary ways guided by hidden agenda to extort little earners, while letting off big earners, is totally unacceptable.
That aside, when a legal framework is in place, then its timing pops up. With 2012 general election around the corner and funds for campaigns needed, such a programme cannot go without scrutiny. Such questions as: Is the programme a cash cow for his political party? If not, why introduce such an expensive policy and dictate the amounts to contribute to those affected? And after doing that refuse to avail a clear framework on how the money will be utilised.
Prof minister we need answers.
Just by the way...
*“If a desperate woman can crash a gate, what will stop her from crushing you when she is with you in the house,” overheard a man commenting about the hungry-for-good-men single women who attended last Friday’s symposium on how to approach men. Speaking of the conference; police should investigate potential lies spread by those who attended-the said ‘proposals’ don’t add up unless men are that silly to propose over the phone.
*Another thing: Were the single women praying for men in general or single men. I need clarification because if they were praying for families to break so they can get their men of substance, I bet they lost it.
*Nyong’aing is a coined word from nyong’a (strangle) so please don’t struggle googling looking for it in a dictionary.
Retrospectively, the new policy is paining for young professionals who are barely savouring their hard-earned 50k salary. For starters these young fellows, must fork out sh1, 500 just like anyone else getting sh99, 999. Here is the shocker: anyone getting sh100, 000 and above; to like 20 million pays only sh2, 000. That’s how unfair the deal is. A mere middle level employee chucks the same amount as any CEO with a bulging sh5 million a month or any tycoon who rakes billions of shillings.
If this is not the most unfair social system in the world then it’s up there with the most. What hurts most is the utter arrogance and don’t care attitude by those who proposed it.
Many Kenyans are outraged by it but nobody has been there to listen, in fact they have been brandished busybodies.
Nyong'o and company see the dissatisfied voices as dogs in the manger but it's not true. They are sober Kenyans who in their right minds want to express sobriety.
Francis Atwoli, the speaking tyrant who does not hesitate to rant when rattled, questioned the viability of the proposal. And rapid fire sort of response from the Prof, the cool minister of Medical Services, an ODM diehard legislator, the learned guy who ever bleaches his hair, moustache, and beard and the king of MPs aloof to constituents, was a mouthful to the ever ranting Atwoli. He though responded in equal measure but Nyong’o’s salvo was bitter enough for all and sundry.
For uninterested parties, Nyong’o’s lunch on Thursday, the 2nd, was worth sh2, 500 at- you didn’t guess right- not a cheap hotel for lilliputians but Serena Hotel where only bourgeois and above belongs. He did say it openly and wasn’t apologetic. So when he was munching, let’s say, fish, omena and cousins, plus exotic drinks all worth the mentioned amount, a proletariat like you was busy working hard to get sh50 for only supper-no lunch-sh2, 450 less of Nyong’o’s lunch. But at the end of the day all (including him, Mps and Safaricom CEO) will be subjected to a system which glorifies the rich and hugely punishes the poor.
Fairly it would be better if a formula was derived to guide in NHIF deductions. Arbitrary ways guided by hidden agenda to extort little earners, while letting off big earners, is totally unacceptable.
That aside, when a legal framework is in place, then its timing pops up. With 2012 general election around the corner and funds for campaigns needed, such a programme cannot go without scrutiny. Such questions as: Is the programme a cash cow for his political party? If not, why introduce such an expensive policy and dictate the amounts to contribute to those affected? And after doing that refuse to avail a clear framework on how the money will be utilised.
Prof minister we need answers.
Just by the way...
*“If a desperate woman can crash a gate, what will stop her from crushing you when she is with you in the house,” overheard a man commenting about the hungry-for-good-men single women who attended last Friday’s symposium on how to approach men. Speaking of the conference; police should investigate potential lies spread by those who attended-the said ‘proposals’ don’t add up unless men are that silly to propose over the phone.
*Another thing: Were the single women praying for men in general or single men. I need clarification because if they were praying for families to break so they can get their men of substance, I bet they lost it.
*Nyong’aing is a coined word from nyong’a (strangle) so please don’t struggle googling looking for it in a dictionary.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
It’s Just Mere Abuse of Wisdom!
When lucky learned members panic, the whole society is thrown into a whirlpool of caution and confusion.
That’s what happened 48 hours ago when the whole country, including Professors of Telecommunication studies, plus holders of doctorates in this field, went bonkers about some mysterious calls emanating from nowhere in particular. Yes, you got me right, a call and everyone enrolled in panic-hood.
Were the calls harbingers of demise? Not at all. And anyone arguing so need to seek treatment for idiocy before today's sunset. But before then sample this:
The most learned of my friends were too busy abusing their hard-earned university degrees by posting esoteric updates on facebook about the calls, which as at now is said to have set foot first in Ukambani- it’s not strange it emerged from this part of the world known well for its most gloomy witchcraft- a friend of mine once said some wizards in the place were promising heaven to some sinful flibbertigibbets (women) if they dared walk naked in front of them. It only happens in Ukambani but Gusiiland should be competing with it.
Anyhow, it beats logic and more so a grievous infringement of the knowledge-code for people with fair education to believe in such poorly founded messages and phone calls. First, where on earth can a mere phone call transmit death? Unless, it’s a fictitious Tom Cruise movie then this way death would have pulled a sturdy shocking mutation of the millennium. Otherwise, it won’t happen soon on Earth, maybe in Mercury or Pluto. Anyway, when sense returns and intelligence comes back, Kenyans should realise death has (and will) never been transmissible; it’s only Malaria, Cholera, HIV and cousin diseases.
A piece of advice: In such panicky and intricate situations it’s always good to let wisdom reign. Wisdom is the ability to interrogate mystery at a higher level of understanding than let’s say morons or imbeciles. Matters as these calls required such a wise treatment not exaggeration. However, recent experience says of the inability of many ‘educated’ Kenyans to do this. Instead they immersed their heads in ignorance and stupidity together with the above mentioned cadres of humanity (morons and imbeciles).
Media too are culpable. As the events unfolded, social media with the mainstream outlets engaged in no different scenario: they let the mystery bloom without bothering to let wisdom reign in their studios. KTN and particularly Evelyn Wambui (she was a year ahead of me in campus) deserve praise for trying to disprove the issue. She did a wonderful exposé to counter the calls. Others flopped in their social responsibility to correctly inform, guide and interpret for their masses.
Just by the way....
*I’m worried for long life for my dear illicit- brew- drinker friends now the urine + sewage made drinks are legal. How long will my friend, let’s say AG (Not Amos Wako), enjoy the sunrise and sunset when he begins taking changaa-breakfast, changaa-lunch, and changaa-supper/dinner? I bet 10 years are too many.
That’s what happened 48 hours ago when the whole country, including Professors of Telecommunication studies, plus holders of doctorates in this field, went bonkers about some mysterious calls emanating from nowhere in particular. Yes, you got me right, a call and everyone enrolled in panic-hood.
Were the calls harbingers of demise? Not at all. And anyone arguing so need to seek treatment for idiocy before today's sunset. But before then sample this:
The most learned of my friends were too busy abusing their hard-earned university degrees by posting esoteric updates on facebook about the calls, which as at now is said to have set foot first in Ukambani- it’s not strange it emerged from this part of the world known well for its most gloomy witchcraft- a friend of mine once said some wizards in the place were promising heaven to some sinful flibbertigibbets (women) if they dared walk naked in front of them. It only happens in Ukambani but Gusiiland should be competing with it.
Anyhow, it beats logic and more so a grievous infringement of the knowledge-code for people with fair education to believe in such poorly founded messages and phone calls. First, where on earth can a mere phone call transmit death? Unless, it’s a fictitious Tom Cruise movie then this way death would have pulled a sturdy shocking mutation of the millennium. Otherwise, it won’t happen soon on Earth, maybe in Mercury or Pluto. Anyway, when sense returns and intelligence comes back, Kenyans should realise death has (and will) never been transmissible; it’s only Malaria, Cholera, HIV and cousin diseases.
A piece of advice: In such panicky and intricate situations it’s always good to let wisdom reign. Wisdom is the ability to interrogate mystery at a higher level of understanding than let’s say morons or imbeciles. Matters as these calls required such a wise treatment not exaggeration. However, recent experience says of the inability of many ‘educated’ Kenyans to do this. Instead they immersed their heads in ignorance and stupidity together with the above mentioned cadres of humanity (morons and imbeciles).
Media too are culpable. As the events unfolded, social media with the mainstream outlets engaged in no different scenario: they let the mystery bloom without bothering to let wisdom reign in their studios. KTN and particularly Evelyn Wambui (she was a year ahead of me in campus) deserve praise for trying to disprove the issue. She did a wonderful exposé to counter the calls. Others flopped in their social responsibility to correctly inform, guide and interpret for their masses.
Just by the way....
*I’m worried for long life for my dear illicit- brew- drinker friends now the urine + sewage made drinks are legal. How long will my friend, let’s say AG (Not Amos Wako), enjoy the sunrise and sunset when he begins taking changaa-breakfast, changaa-lunch, and changaa-supper/dinner? I bet 10 years are too many.
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