Tell me another and ...pigs might fly.
Anyway, the winners of recently held by-elections deserve praise. They do, at least Bishop Margret Wanjiru whose victory was a result of theft last time. Now she can speak authoritatively without doubts lingering in her heart. Before then her victory kind of tickles, don’t you think so? Imagine someone who last time benefitted from a robbery of 15,000 votes getting back in free fall style. Politics is truly a dirty game and the past sometimes doesn’t matter at all; most Kenyans have chicken-minds after all and forget in light speed. Maina Kamanda must have realised this.
Away from robbery but not sense.And excuse us please, it wasn’t about party affiliation but personalities. This hullabaloo about Narc-Kenya sending “a strong message” to whomever wherever is misleading and purely excites none.
The two elected parliamentarians to be are disappointingly rich Kenyans whose wealth is more attractive to holoi poloi than their quest for power.
The Sonko guy is annoyingly rich and ultra-generous at the same time. And with the direction of Kenyan politics always influenced by the size of one’s pocket, nothing different was expected here; he just flexed his moneyed muscles and the wretched saluted.
It's bare;the guy just bought his way to the august house. Positively though, he seems to understand the plight of most Makadara constituents and he’ll probably use his wealth to lift them up, something Reuben Ndolo and Dick Wathika did not do. He started when he used his flotilla of vehicles to ferry them to and from Buruburu free of charges but votes.
Saying the two winners won because they were in Martha Karua’s party is a big lie. They did it as a result of their bulky wallets. William Kabogo’s wealth doesn’t need a nuclear scientist to quantify, not when his helicopter is flying all over Juja countless times like a matatu doing rounds.
The rumbling flying object got Jujian’s nerves and the best they could do is vote him in without grumble. Crazy it is. Now the poor people would have to content with a ‘flying Mp’ as opposed to a bespectacled scholar. It’s better to top a million shillings on a wallet oozing sweats from overloading knowing the excretions will fall to some of their hungry than let in a fairly poor candidate whose dryness of the pocket is as clear as sunshine. By the way, broke Mps are the most dangerous. They would maul everything on the plate and wait for the voter to come in. In this mood, those who voted for the endowed men did so to save their lives. Let’s spare them the whacking.
Honestly, Karua’s influence is yet to become tangible. Maybe after three-five years but not know. She was lucky the two rich contestants chose her party. Had they chosen another party, they would still have won. So Karua should savour the moment because it will not last long.
Just by the way...
Questions for Kenneth Otiato Marende, about Mike Sonko.
*Will Mike Sonko get your nod to attend parliament sessions with bling bling and all sorts of glittering jewelleries?
*What if he decides to drive one of his min-buses to parliament? Will you allow him in considering the ear-blistering music played in them?
*In case he decides to follow Lil Wayne’s footsteps and rap in parliament, will that be meritorious?
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