It’s not difficult to mark her out of the fast crowding field of presidential dreamers. Her apt interpretation of the law, especially in parliament, has endeared her to many. Her fearless confrontation of those self-enriching as opposed to distributing wealth to wananchi has made her a darling to the fair, the poor and the needy-groups forming the majority of Kenyans. The overt, respectful and proud manner she has defended her womanhood and Kenyan women in general attracts even the cruellest of her enemies. Whenever she talks, every woman admires her guts and every egotistic man coils in pure hatred.
That’s Ms Martha Wangari Karua, the bold Kenyan woman, whose aka “iron-lady” is equally worthy of admiration as it’s scary to the patriarchal Kenya. Now she has officially launched her quest for presidency next year.
It’s a timely move for the Narc-Kenya leader as it comes when she is gaining popularity from her consistent calls for respect of human rights, her defence of the powerless and her push for the fast implementation of the new constitution.
If consistency was the last hurdle to State House, then Ms Karua would definitely out-jump other hopefuls in the likes of Uhuru Kenyatta, William Ruto, Raila Odinga, Eugene Wamalwa, Kalonzo Musyoka or even the not so serious Bifwoli Wakoli.
Her latest strategy focusing on Internally Displaced Kenyans is by far her best scoring point. This has generally boosted her quest for this office. IDPs would unquestionably form an important campaign agenda as the country gears up for 2012 elections. And now that she has chosen resettlement and demanding for the rights of the displaced Kenyans, she has definitely outrun other candidates in this race. When others wake up, months from now, Ms Karua would simply stand out as the front fighter of the IDPs.
Apart from her latest agenda, Ms Karua has done very well in distancing herself from the country’s elites and those perceived so. KANU, NARC remnants, ODM and PNU stalwarts-cum state-wealth beneficiaries befit any description of some of the other front runners. However, after she bolted out of government in 2009, she not only severed links with the 2003-2007 corruption-marred Kibaki’s government but also came out as truthfully intolerant of the (mis)ruling elites who had amassed riches from unfair distribution of national wealth.
Other than her present flowery ride the past could prove to be the cruel judge for Karua’s bid. Her hard-line position when the country was fast descending into the abyss of civil war shortly after the disputed 2007 presidential election would mostly be the topmost judging mark of her capability to lead a united Kenya. It would be remembered that she stuck to her guns, defended President Kibaki’s re-election with vigour, dismissed ODM’s claims of being rigged out of presidency with boldness which pushed her to the summit of those disliked by some ethnic communities.
Another black spot she has to forthwith fight head on is her tumultuous past engagement with the media. Her past with the Fourth Estate could best be described as rocky but lately she has developed what could become a well-polished relationship. Her huge presence in social websites, Twitter and Facebook, is a big plus to her especially now most of her rivals are still blunt on this front.
Another challenge is her pick for vice-presidency, the necessary running mate in her drive to the top office. It would be a hard job for her to find out someone who shares her bid’s values, dreams and visions. Being the iron-lady whose thoughts remain firm until she only changes, it would be quite a challenge to get a man as her running mate. Unless she gets a docile man whose traits would be summed only as henpecked, then her campaigns would run without control-related hitches. If she doesn’t get such a man, her only choice would remain a woman which would be a serious blow as their presidential bid would be only seen as gender insensitive.
Such are some of her bid’s challenges. However, at the moment it’s only fair to place Ms Karua at the top of the presidential hopefuls order. Being the reigning most sober and articulate contender, her bid for State House can only be described as timely.
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