He does need a hearty one after victoriously battling out a hungry horde of political gluttons who had camped in his turf with their mouths open, salivating for his seat.
Bonny Khalwale’s re-election is a triumph of clarity on significant problems affecting the local men and women over the bossy politics Kenya has been subjected to over the past few years. He went against a ganged Orange Democratic Movement, which in all its ignorance might have thought distributing freebies left, right and centre, would empower it more than the local, often vocal Mp.
It was a terrible choice by Prime Minister Raila Odinga to openly campaign against a man who had stuck by him during heated moments in parliament. The PM must be thanking his lucky stars for lighting the High Court last Friday and making one judge think against conventions and give orders to stop the Kamukunji by-election. Had he not done that, the PM would probably be somewhere hiding after a terrible loss. Kamukunji voters would probably have done the same as Ikolomani’s. And the PM plus his retinue would have asked for the darkest of cloth to cover their faces before *sobbing and running to the nearest thicket to hide*.
It’s just imaginable how painful it’s to promise constituents all they could have (good roads, bla la bla!) and the best they give back is a vote against you. However, that's a kind of pain one willingly attracts him/herself to.
It’s encouraging Khalwale’s people didn’t fall to the sickly promises fronted by all and sundry. It’s good they said loudly what kind of leadership they want, not only locally but also nationally.
The time for dishing districts, promising re-carpeting of roads and all sorts of engagements meant to sway voters is over. Kenyans, especially those with enough education and are over 18, take your money, smile but on the D-day they’ll certainly vote against you, the briber. That's the new Kenya.
Anyhow, it’s heartening to know Kenyan’s won’t be denied the debating profligacy of the famed Mp who once dressed down then Finance minister, Amos Kimunya, in the august house. His heart-slicing recitation of Kimunya Must Go! is still alive in most minds. The man who has popularised bull-fighting to the extent he’s been christened Bullfighter even in parliament, tried his trickery with then Agriculture minister, William Ruto, but failed after Mp’s ganged up to defeat the censure motion.
Now that he’s back, may the most prolific debater ready to take him come forth. Anyone there?
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