Monday, August 22, 2011

Don’t Just like that Bluish Facebook Like, Please

It’s gory, scary, do that. Just insert any other adjective representing an obnoxious thing and you’ll truly capture how it feels to blindly like that update.

Facebook is a fun place just like most social sites. A place where you let your mind out without first engaging second parties; you know, a perfect groove where one downs official attire and adorn a casual mode on anything-posts, chats, status updates, photos etc. It’s mostly meant to while away literally doing nothing-yea, you can say winding down or wasting time.

Now, there’s a crop of individuals that is getting abundant credit for mastering the art of ‘liking’ update statuses. They normally disturb the peace of that bluish four-word icon ever placed below any status. By the way, it’s also well placed just adjacent to ‘Dislike’ which is apparently the opposite of ‘Like. Comment is its other neighbour. By the way, why don’t those people who worship like rarely comment? Isn’t it fair to comment than to distress someone with unneeded likes?

Anyhow, so what’s the beef here? It’s squarely about carelessly, recklessly, or wittingly pressing on that icon-Like-without engaging your good mind. That egregious habit escalating like a Kalahari-Desert-fire.

Someone out of their working minds decide that their troubles are too big to be accommodated in their minds and that Facebook would suffice in their quest to provide extra storage, posts those troubles and within a few hours s/he gets several likes. What the hell, the person needs consolation rather than getting excited of (liking) whatever they are going through.

Like, as in the word, generally means a state of agreement, happiness generated by something. For example, I like Manchester United-in default it means you are happy with that English team and probably agree with how they play or their history. That word-Like-possesses other meanings which are of no use for now.

Going by that, a bereavement post or tragedy status or one that embodies misfortunes should not be liked. In fact it should be disliked. The big question is, how can you be happy about a tragedy like the recent loss of 23 lives in a grisly road accident in Machakos? The Daily Nation posted the accident and the number of deaths yesterday on its Facebook page and oh my, you should have seen how the likes streamed like a rejuvenated river? Gruesome. Nutty. You mean some people like hearing of other’s deaths? In Kenya?-other than Al-Shabaab?

And this one. A friend pastes a loss of someone close and some friends expecting friends to be sorry and offer their worthy condolences. However others rush to like that. Clanger. Silly. For soberness sake, why should one like that? And why shouldn’t you be expunged from someone’s list for doing that?

Moral Lesson:  Basically, Like (especially on Facebook) is for showing concurrence not adding pain. Please consider that before you click on it next time.

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