Monday, November 28, 2011

The Demolitions Depublic of Denya

Please welcome the new republic in Africa with a befitting round of applause. A standing ovation should be in order too. Thank you.

The mutant of the Democratic Republic of Kenya, DDD as it is popularly known locally, has gone viral and in obedience to its fore name, it’s doing all the necessary and unnecessary demolition of houses, homes, and souls too. It’s their motto, more less their vision to ensure every little abode erected in suspect places is flattened with the powerful trunk of diesel-powered earth-movers.

The new nation will have a new president next year and the leader may as well not have a place to live because the State House may have been demolished by then.

In its Vision 2030, DDD, expects its citizens to have developed wings and more so build nests on top of trees by that year. Many others would be expected to endlessly fly around the world as the atmosphere will be their only abode.

The country is known to mutate and in line with this duty other mutants expected to come to life in the near future are Retirees for Raila Revolution, (RRR), Uhuru to Usurp power in Unison (UUU), Hague Hungry for Honey (HHH) and some few others. The later is thought to be pregnant with Ocampo Ornate Obduracy (OOO). All these are following the footsteps of the successful emergence and demise of the lead mutant KKK early this year. Though it died from eating itself after wholly consuming Kenya in obedience to its motto Kula Kenya Kabisa, its diehards say it reached the end of its life span.

The house-demolition came hot on the heels of another that has received global praise; the Operation Demolish Al Shabaab, in fairer words, Operation Linda Nchi, has gained lots of thumbs up at home and away as the terrorist group continues to receive heavy bombardments. However, the latest has attracted countable smiles. Not everyone has been excited by it and the trauma accompanying it stole the little sympathy from the people’s hearts. Now it has transformed to pure hatred towards the government, the estranged home destroyers and some menial county council with a boring name, Mavoko.

After these ongoing homes destruction, questions as to why the government is not pulling down skyscrapers peeping into the State House-a more important entity in the country than airports and air bases-would definitely arise.  Kenyans led by such big mouths like Okiya Omtata may lead protests centred on asking for the demolition of tall buildings such as those in Upper Hill, Nyayo House, farther KICC, and those other blue-chip skywards as I&M, Lonrho etc illegally ‘seeing’ the president’s house. You know, these may cause a serious scare to the head of state security much more than those shanties milled around airports, army-ports or such. Okiya may think and say: When will we see Nyayo House coming down like the Tower of Babel? By the way, when should we expect it to come down? Maybe when an earth-mover with an elongated trunk is invented so that it can reach the tip of the House before knocking it down floor by floor. Maybe.

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