Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Why My Life Is Also In Danger

Just sat quietly in the matatu. Chatting with one or two friends on the phone about life, weather, food and maybe job. But you just sat there next to me eyes wide open and reading each and every word I type.
Why don't you just let my life flow? Why are you so much into making my matatu life so tough? I'm a little scared. My chatting life is in danger. But it doesn’t harm giving you the Snooping Award of the Year.

So I gave you Sh200 to find something to eat when you were last starving and dreaming about water. You promised to pay back at the end of the month. It's been eight months now and you have never bothered to pay back.
The way you look at me every time I approach you, either to greet you or to ask for the money, makes me feel like an endangered species.

My pocket may not be in the dry category but why do you want to put it in danger of wobbling towards there?
It's just friendship. Maybe a little love. Maybe a little lust (though this is sinful) but you don't think so. It is like I'm your Central Bank; the maker of your money, the buyer of everything but not the owner of your heart.
My pocket is surely in danger of emaciation.

Social media are good platforms for all of us to share what we are eating, where we are visiting, where our hearts are anchored in and of course who broke it. Okey, but why are you stuffing us with such stuff? Why are you putting our lives in danger of suffocation?
Just tell us a little. Don't tell us everything.

I'm safe.

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